Monday, September 1, 2014

Kindred Kitties LLC Adoption in Kenosha

I volunteer at Kindred Kitties in downtown Kenosha. Below are a few photos of some of them.

The last two photos aren't ones I took. I snagged them off the Kindred Kitties petfinder website of Warren, as he was recently adopted. He was such a sweet beautiful kitty. I miss him but hope is is happy and loved in his new home. He came to the shelter with his sister, who passed away a couple weeks before he got adopted.

Please checkout the Kindred Kitties website at:



Vogue - she recently got adopted!

Mama Minnie - She is tiny and sweet. Her purrs sound like a morning dove!

Polar - He has a special place in my heart

Warren - he got adopted shortly after I met him. So sweet.

Another of Warren. He has the fuzziest toes!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Whitnall Park

The below are some photos that I took with my friend, Justine on August 9th, 2014 at Whitnall Park. It's located near the Boerner Botanical Gardens. It was a beautiful day for venturing out and seeing what kind of plants and animals we could find. :-)